2024 – Celebrating 10 years with my Old Dutch Lady

As the year draws to a close, I usually update this website and generally reflect on what has passed and what has yet to come. Every year has been full of the unanticipated, but this year has fittingly surpassed the lot. What a way to celebrate my decade as a “live-aboard” 2024’s adventure turned out… Continue reading 2024 – Celebrating 10 years with my Old Dutch Lady

Update January 2021

Life works in mysterious ways. When I purchased Drie Gebroeders , way back in 2014, I had many plans and dreams of my future years afloat. Since then, together we have enjoyed a few adventures and met many wonderful people in the eclectic barge and sailing community.  Mooring my home in beautiful and unusual areas… Continue reading Update January 2021

New Year Opportunity floats in for the local entrepreneur

If you’re planning to do something different in 2020, you might like to start with a walk down to the Town Quay in Newry. Visitors to the quay could be forgiven for thinking they have stumbled into Little Holland, for amongst a variety of regular vessels are moored two beautiful Dutch sailing barges and one… Continue reading New Year Opportunity floats in for the local entrepreneur

Just me an my barge

People always assume I have always been a sailing person, or have long  dreamed of a life afloat. Nothing could be further from the truth; here’s the story… I love my old Dutch lady!  A little of how this beautiful relationship began.​    I love my barge! I guess I have loved her since I first… Continue reading Just me an my barge